Thank you for visiting my blog! If you are visiting because you have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss, let me say that I am so very sorry. I started this blog shortly after our Baby Grady was stillborn on November 12, 2008. Please visit the sidebar below called "Labels" to find the topic in which you are interested, or just read as your heart desires.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Date Night!

We actually had one tonight!

My friend, Lee Ann, invited the girls over to play this evening. Our kids hadn't played in a long time, so she wanted them to come and stay for dinner. This gave me an idea...

I texted my hubby and asked him on a date! He obliged, making me a very happy Momma T! Only I wasn't Momma for a few hours. I was just "T".


You see, we never get a babysitter and just go on dates. This was a real treat for us. Plus, it couldn't have happened on a better day because I just got my hair done today! The works: cut, color, highlights and lowlights! (Thankfully we had a gift card for dinner 'cuz we sure don't have much extra after that splurge on myself - only it's not really considered a splurge in my eyes. More like a necessity! I refuse to be white-headed at 36!)

Back to the real post...

I came home from taking the girls to find these beautiful flowers...just because.

Wasn't that so sweet and thoughtful?


We went to the bookstore and browsed. And browsed in quiet peacefulness.

(BIG sigh - ahhhhh)

We were lucky to get an early dinner reservation at P.F. Chang's. Chicken lettuce wraps...YUM!

I indulged in four diet cokes and used up all the lemons that were meant for Gib's water. Couldn't let them just sit there...

Great food. Great company. Quiet dinner.



But, I can't leave you tonight without telling you about the steals I got at Kohls. I returned a couple of things and browsed there too. I bought a pink cotton hoodie for my breast cancer walk in October and two NICE winter coats for the girls for only...are you ready? $45.00! Woo-hoo! The coats were nice (Zero Exposure) and dirt cheap (marked down from $110 and $85) plus I had a 20% off coupon. I love a good deal!



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